A C Patil Institute of Pharmacy

Library Collection Details

BooksTotal No of Volume670
Total No of Titles172
Total No of Reference Books76
PeriodicalsTotal Subscribed Journals6
National =5
International =1
E-ResourcesNational Digital Library of Indiahttps://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in
Library ServicesCirculation Services Automatics circulation system with bar code technology
Cataloguing Services Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)  https://portal.vmedulife.com/public/library/#/acpcoe-navi-mumbai
Open Access Library
Reference Service
Referral Service
New Arrival
Back Issues Of Journals
Multimedia Service
Current Awareness Service
Question Papers (PYQs)
Barcode TechnologyBarcode Scanner (Barcode enable on books and ID card)
Nos Of Books Issued to Students & Faculty3 books to students for 7 days and 6 books for Faculty for semester
Wi-Fi ServiceThe campus is fully wifi enabled .
Library Timing8.30 am TO 5.45 pm
Library Software (ILMS)VMEDULIFE( Version –13.40) Library is fully Automated 

Open Access Resources

Sr. No.NameURL
1National Digital Library of Indiahttps://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/
3DELNET-Developing Library Networkhttps://delnet.in/
5Open J-gatehttp://www.openj-gate.com


Sr. No.NameURL
1Encyclopedia Britannicahttps://www.britannica.com/
2Microsoft Encarta concise Encyclopaediahttp://encarta.msn.com/encnet/refpages/artcenter.aspx
3The Americana Concisehttp://concise.americana.com/
4Medical Encyclopediahttps://medlineplus.gov/encyclopedia.html
5Computer Desktop Encyclopediahttps://www.computerlanguage.com/


Sr. No.NameURL
2Dictionary of phrase & fablehttp://www.bartleby.com/81/
3Dictionary of Philosophical termshttp://www.philosophypages.com/dy/
4Cambridge International dictionary of Idiomshttp://dictionary.cambridge.org/
5The Free Dictionaryhttp://www.thefreedictionary.com/
6The Oxford English Dictionaryhttp://www.oed.com/


News Papers

Sr. No.Name of NewspaperURL
1Times of Indiahttp://www.timesofindia.com/
2The Indian Expresshttp://www.expressindia.com/
3Economics Timeshttp://economicstimes.com
4The Financial Expresshttp://www.financialexpress.com/
5Hindustan Timeshttp://www.hindustantimes.com
6Business Standardhttps://www.business-standard.com/
7Maharashtra Timeshttp://www.maharashtratimes.com/
9NavBharat Timeshttp://www.navbharattimes.com/